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Top Tips on How to Create Eco-Friendly Frozen Treats

Top Tips on How to Create Eco-Friendly Frozen Treats

Going green - or becoming more environmentally conscious - is rapidly becoming the norm; the battle to minimize waste, save energy, and reduce costs while still getting value for money is fought most fiercely in our kitchens and with our eating habits. 

Although the average person might not be an expert on climate change and the environment, they are the authority when it comes to the food they consume and how they run their kitchens. 

People are increasingly looking for ways to reduce waste in cooking, cleaning, food storage and more, and in extremes of weather, convenience can make a big difference. One way to practice environmentally-conscious eating and sustainability during a long, hot summer is to create eco-friendly frozen treats.

Here are some top tips to help you create eco-friendly frozen treats.

Use Organic and Locally-Sourced Ingredients

One of the key benefits of organic ingredients is that they are produced while minimizing exposure to pesticides and supporting sustainable farming practices. In addition, choosing locally sourced ingredients helps to avoid anything that has had to be imported, thus reducing carbon emissions associated with food transportation.

Another radical way of doing this is to grow your own ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables and herbs. Alternatively, many people keep chickens, and runner ducks, not only for the meat but for their eggs, and surprisingly, they do not require a lot of space. Other eco-conscious consumers practice trying to stick to consuming ingredients that are only available in season, again cutting down on carbon emissions and encouraging good farming habits. 

Reduce Food Waste

Plan your frozen treat recipes in a way that will require a minimal amount of food being wasted. Consider using leftovers, milk, fruits and vegetables, repurposing excess ingredients or other non-usable items; anything biodegradable can go into a compost heap.

Choose Sustainable Packaging

As a society, we need to wean ourselves off single-use plastics if we are going to make a difference to the impact of climate change and work toward an eco-friendlier world. Here is a list of sustainable packaging solutions to consider:

  • Biodegradable packaging, made to decompose over time
  • Edible packaging made from food-based materials that can be eaten along with the food
  • Recyclable packaging 
  • Compostable packaging - similar to biodegradable packaging, but made specifically to be composted
  • Reusable packaging, and fun, reusable molds, like our Classic Pop Molds

Make Plant-Based Treats

Explore plant-based alternatives that can be substituted for dairy-based treats; oat milk, almond milk, and coconut milk are great dairy alternatives and can be used to create delicious frozen treats. Some people even use chickpea water as an egg white alternative for baked goods, especially when catering to vegans. There are many possibilities for baked frozen treat recipes, all helping to reduce the environmental impact associated with animal agriculture.

Sweeten Naturally

Why not use natural sweeteners over refined sugars, like sugar cane, honey, fruit purees, and maple syrup? These will add that splash of sweetness and make your frozen treat that much better without having to depend on processed sugar. Consider making delicious homemade slushies with only fruit, ice and environmentally-friendly  cherry-infused water, using honey to mix in with yogurt, or better still, freeze it into yummy popsicles; the possibilities are endless.

For more delicious homemade slushie recipes, check out our ‘Art of Slush Recipe Book

Energy-Efficient Freezing

If you have any control over the freezing process, try and ensure that your freezer is properly maintained and set at an energy-efficient temperature. This helps conserve energy and reduce your frozen treats' environmental impact. Picking the most optimal time to freeze your treats can also help in reducing cost and energy usage, as some power companies offer lower tariffs on appliances during evening hours; when it comes to saving money and reducing the impact on the environment every little helps. 

Minimize Water Waste

Be mindful of water usage when creating frozen treats, and plan and optimize your recipes to minimize the need for excessive water use; it’s worth considering the reuse of water used for cleaning equipment or rinsing fruits. Again, think about water alternatives that could enhance your recipes or frozen treats, such as coconut water or watermelon juice, and when it comes time for indulging, get slurping through an eco-friendly reusable straw, like our stylish two-tone pocket straws, perfect for staying eco-conscious on the move.

Educate and Inspire

Share your eco-friendly frozen treat creations with friends and family, and perhaps send some to school with your child so they can share the recipe and the importance of being eco-friendly. Sharing and spreading the word with others will raise awareness about sustainable food choices and may encourage others to adopt eco-friendly practices themselves. 

By implementing these tips, you can enjoy delicious frozen treats while reducing your environmental impact. Ultimately, stay proactive and adopt these principles beyond frozen treats - try and live an eco-friendly life with an eco-friendly kitchen. Remember, small changes add up and every step can help toward a more sustainable future!

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